Well Hello There

Good morning!!! Just a quick update. I changed my blog name because skinny and single is stupid, really stupid. I like this better and truly reflects my nature more than S & S ever could. I miss you all. Take good care, my friends, I will see you soon.   Laura ❤  

Why Grammar Fanatics Make Blogging A Drag

Simply put: there are actual professional bloggers. Since they make so much money, their blog is polished, affiliate link ridden, perfection. Their grammar is exceptional, their posts are worthy of every boring writer award you can find. Those bloggers have to be perfect, all the time, every time. I don’t. I’m a blogger who makes…

How To Love Your Wrinkles When They Effin Hate You

I get it, a week ago you were young and beautiful and now you’re an old hag. You’re old, better than dead, right? Meh, I’m old too. ***waves (my arm-flab waved for an extra couple minutes.) It’s easy to hate what you look like. Menopause made you gain weight. You’re a grouchy bitch….being miserable isn’t…

Could You Kill Someone?

All the chatter about arming school teachers is making me fricking ill. My eighth grade math teacher with a gun in her hand… jaysus. So tell me, could you kill someone? Play it out, all the way out. Don’t just think of that instant where you believe harm is coming your way, continue to the end.…

Four Things I Miss About Cable TV

I, like everyone, has jumped on the “I hate cable companies, they should all die” bandwagon. I’d feel guilty but they have been robbing me for years. Binging is my life now. (Don’t make a joke about purging, don’t make a joke about purging.) There will always be things I miss about cable, and here…

Thoughts On Pay Equity

This is Molly. Everyone say hi! “Hi, Molly!!” So, Molly needed a job, she wasn’t desperate, but she needed a job. She is highly educated, experienced and deserves a management position. Molly applied for some jobs, and received a job interview. She nailed it. Good for her, I knew she would. They offered her the…

Three Symptoms You Should Never Look Up Online

I’ve always heard that researching symptoms for yourself is disastrous. Various websites do have helpful information, but it’s easy to terrify yourself. Here are three things that you should never look up online: 1. Shortness of breath – it’s a common symptom for various things. One look online, however, and you’re told you have lung…

Ya, You Have Ham In Your Beard

The other day, I started writing a post to share this ham story. This is actually not my ham story, my ham stories are super boring. Guess what? I ate ham. Fascinating right? No. Just no. I decided to look into the origin of the ham story. I didn’t want to just go ahead taking…